Young Euro Classic

The Young Euro Classic is another well-known music festival in Europe. Held in Berlin annually each summer, it is an event that brings together "tomorrow's musicians" from the best youth orchestras from all corners of the world, based on the belief that shared experiences are invaluable as is the sharing of differences. Its special focus for its 18th season this year is 20th-century music and violin concertos.

Our concert at the festival tonight was held at the Konzerthaus Berlin, a neo-classical hall on the Gendarmenmarkt which is a square in the city's central district. It is the home of the resident orchestra Konzerthausorchester Berlin. As is Japan's Tokyo Opera City where the AYO performed almost four weeks ago, this German concert hall is considered acoustically to be in the world's top ten best musical venues.

Because today's performance was to be filmed and streamed live for people all over the world to see, we all made sure those on stage were perfectly camera-ready, double checking from head to toe, left to right. We saw to especially that our shoes were shiny.

The evening started with opening remarks from Mr. Jörg Thadeusz, journalist and moderator, as he welcomed the AYO to the Young Euro Classic. Then, our very own concertmaster, Shiho Takashima, with her violin crafted by her father at her side, introduced the AYO, adding in some German greetings and describing what a privilege it was to be part of the Festival. 

First, the orchestra played the German premiere of Wong Chun-Wai's As the Heart Soars, a piece AYO brought from home, Hong Kong. Mr. Wong, whom we hadn't seen since the beginning of our World Tour in Hong Kong, was in the audience tonight. He described how much he enjoyed working with the AYO because of the pure joy and passion the members bring to the music. 

Then, Bruch's Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor was next, with our wonderful violin soloist Vadim Repin. The 2017 AYO was performing with him for the last time tonight.

Then Mahler. For the last time on this World Tour, we were performing the piece - the orchestra will so miss playing this music together.

Tonight was also our last concert on the World Tour with Maestro James Judd. We did not want the concert to end. Thank you, Mr. Judd, for all you have done for us. We will forever treasure your inspiring words of encouragement in our hearts.

On stage as well as backstage, it was a very emotional night for all of us.

Regardless, we had brought another concert to big success. Celebrations were due. It was time for a party post-concert at the Konzerthaus, where we took countless photographs of us all and danced to the beat of our favourite tune by our brass section, "Tico Tico."


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