Our French Takeoff

Toulouse, nicknamed la ville rose because rose-pink terracotta is used everywhere, bonjour!

We arrived in this French city yesterday evening, after a 12-hour bus ride. Our hotel is conveniently close to the sixth busiest airport in France. Its contemporary facade is reminiscent of a movie set. Inside the lobby, our AYO red shirts we all wear when traveling are a perfect match to the stylish bright red couches and curtains used for the decor.

Our day started early with buttery French croissants and a delicious assortment of creamy scrambled eggs, cheeses, and meats. Soon we were on our way to visit Airbus at its headquarters.

Its corporate complex is expansive, a city in itself, complete with the Airbus Leadership University used for training and conferences. These and other facilities including production lines, hangars, and testing and technical centers sprawl over an area that seems endless. Upon arrival, we were guided out on to the tarmac. What a thrill to see a giant Cathay Pacific aircraft and a welcome sign greeting us!

Never before have we seen an aircraft so close to us from the ground. We were in awe, directly staring up at its belly, forcing us to philosophize for a moment how relativity makes us feel so small. Let loose with our bursting excitement to look around and take selfies at all the best angles, it took our poor photographer, bless his heart, some time and patience to round us up and have us arranged for an official group shot. Excuse us, monsieur, and by the way, we love the photo you took of us. Absolument parfait!

Back at the hotel, sound of violins trickled out from doorways. Our musicians were back and focused on getting ready for the concert tonight.

The evening's concert was held at the Airbus Leadership University's event center. For our hosts, it was the first time a concert would be held there.

Airbus university campus

We were happy to see in the audience Mr. Rainer Ohler, head of group communications at Airbus, as well as Mr. Sam Hui, deputy representative of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Brussels. Thank you, Mr. Jim Thompson, AYO chairman for also being there.

Mr. Ohler with Mr. Pontzious and Mr. Thompson

The orchestra played a stunning Strauss and Beethoven tonight. The venue was perfect and the audience rose in standing ovation. We felt terribly proud and happy.

A special appreciation to Airbus for receiving us today. The miniature model plane you gave us is going to forever hold a special place on the shelf saved for the best of our World Tour 2017 souvenirs.


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