All Aboard

The bus driver patiently waits as we hurriedly lug our instruments and equipment onto the bus each morning. Bus "A" is running behind today. The other two buses are called "Y" and "O."

Each morning, the three AYO buses take us from our hotel to the National Chiayi University, both located in the East District of Chiayi City. It takes about half an hour to get there, the traffic is smooth, and we pass colourful signs outside of electronic stores and a local outdoor restaurant that always has people outside eating breakfast. We then spot the large gates of the university that tell us we have arrived.

On the bus, meanwhile, we chit-chat, others catch up on sleep, and some listen to music.

"Xiè xie nǐ," we say to the driver - thank you. We're now off to make this final rehearsal day in Chiayi our best.



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