Final Curtain Falls

The AYO 2017 World Tour has come to a close. The final city, host of our last concert, was Brussels, Belgium. At the BOZAR Theatre, our performance under Mr. Pontzious with soloist Sarah Chang was spectacular with all hearts, on stage and off, fusing into one. The standing ovations throughout the hall were enthusiastic and seemed to continue forever. Before going on stage, Mr. Pontzious had a special reminder for us. "Look how far we have come," he said. Only two months ago, we had first arrived at Rehearsal Camp, meeting for the first time with our faculty members and playing our first few notes together. It was a new experience for most, each bringing with us different backgrounds, each appearing to be so different from another. We were unsure of left or right, with circumstances leaving us excited but in awe of what was to come next. And since then? "The orchestra now walks on stage with confidence." First arriving in Chiayi City 2 months ago Ou...